Call Scoop Doggy Doo at (559)930-9086
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What exactly is a “poop scooper service?”

Very simply put, we come to your backyard, apartment, business, or complex and scoop up your dog's poop. Each week, on the same day, we arrive at your property with shovel, bucket, and bag in hand. We scoop your dog's poops into the bagged bucket. When we are done scooping all of the poops we tie off the bag and place it into your trash bin. If you'd rather, we will take it with us and dispose of it offsite. That's it.

It's pretty simple but there are a lot of hidden reasons to use the service.
Here are a few:

Didn't see your question answered here?

That's okay. We are in the process of creating a database of frequently asked questions. We need your help!

Simply, ask your question below, tell us the email address you'd like us to send the answer and we will respond within 24 hours. If we find that many people are asking the same question, we will add it to our FAQ page.


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